The deadline for CCAPA Award Nominations has been extended to January 24, 2025

The Connecticut Chapter of the American Planning Association is pleased to invite nominations for the Planning Awards to honor outstanding people, projects, and efforts. This year’s categories offer an opportunity to recognize a rising star, a hard-working citizen planner/group, an innovative process, or a solution to a vexing problem among other things. We look forward to receiving your nominations by January 24, 2025! The award categories are:

Education & Outreach – For a planning project or initiative that significantly contributed to the achievement of a community’s plans, policies, and goals. Examples include, but are not limited to, publications, interactive project websites, public planning and design charrettes or seminars.

Implementation – For a planning project or initiative of unusually high merit with demonstrated “on the ground” results attributable to exemplary plan implementation.

Sustainability – For a plan, project or program marked by its promotion of sustainability as defined by the Brundtland Commission (Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs). Examples include green infrastructure plans, resource conservation efforts, alternative energy programs, and efforts to reduce carbon emissions.

Media – For coverage of a planning issue in written, broadcast, or online media that broadens the general public's awareness and understanding of planning.

Social Equity/Inclusion – For a plan, process or project advancing social and economic equality and inclusion, otherwise helping overcome discrimination.

Citizen Planner – For a citizen (or group of citizens) working in a non-compensated capacity that has devoted an exceptional amount of time, made a unique contribution, played an innovative or instrumental role, or otherwise contributed in a manner worthy of this special recognition.

“Rising Star” Planner – For a professional planner, during their first 10 years of practice, who has demonstrated extraordinary commitment to leadership, professional development, and the advancement of the field of planning in Connecticut.

Innovative Plan/Law – For a plan or local law uniquely addressing a contemporary or challenging issue.

Discretionary Awards

Bruce Hoben Distinguished Service - Given in memory of Bruce Hoben, whose selfless involvement with and longtime leadership in the Chapter along with his many contributions to the practice of planning, truly exemplify the spirit of distinguished service.

Special Chapter Award - In recognition of an outstanding effort by a Chapter member or the accomplishments of an organization.

Retirement Recognition - Do you know of anyone who has retired from their Planning position this past year? The Chapter would like to recognize this individual.

Please email the name and brief biography for Discretionary Awards to CCAPA President Emmeline Harrigan by January 24, 2025, at:

Click here to view the 2025 CCAPA Award Nomination Flyer with more information.