In this edition, Affordable Housing in Connecticut CT Planning contributors discuss the politics and practice of affordable housing.

Don't miss articles covering RPA's work to develop an Affordable Housing Plan guidebook, the Desegregate CT movement and proposed legislation, the redevelopment of blighted properties, the role land use policies have played in perpetuating segregation, the economics of 8-30g development, and CHFA's newest data tools for Connecticut planners.


  • Jonathan Cabral (CHFA data): "In addition to data and dashboards,CHFA regularly publishes research briefs on a variety of specific housing topics focused on Connecticut. These include written reports that look at transportation’s role in affordable housing, an analysis of rural housing in Connecticut, and reports regarding trends in Connecticut’s housing market."
  • Don Poland (Economics of 8-30g): "8-30g assumes that incentives will overcome the risk and cost of developing and operating the affordable units. In theory, this is a novel and innovative policy approach. In practice, when confronted with the realities of weak market conditions, it is challenging at best to design and develop a financially feasible 8-30g project."
  • Melissa Kaplan-Macey (Affordable Housing Plans): "Rather than an obstacle to be surmounted, the planning  process can be an exciting opportunity to bring people together, connecting affordable homes to community values like diversity and opportunity."
  • Jenny Fields Scofield (Planner Spotlight): "There is a misconception that if you are preserving a resource it is not possible to meet affordable housing needs, plan for resiliency, or be energy efficient, but there is more flexibility in historic preservation than people think. A substantial number of the projects enrolled in the state Historic Preservation Rehabilitation Tax Credit are housing projects and about three-quarters of those are for affordable housing."
  • CT Vibrant Communities Coalition (Addressing blighted properties): "CVCC quarterly meetings have featured presentations on strategic code enforcement, tax delinquency, land banks, best practices statewide and across the country, state and federal legislation and strategies for returning vacant, abandoned properties back to productive use."
Do you have a suggestion for the next issue of CT Planning? Please send your suggestions and ideas. Better yet-- volunteer to write. Current and past issues of CT Planning are always available on the CCAPA website's Knowledge Center at

- Amanda E. Kennedy, AICP, Editor