RFQ- Plan of Conservation and Development Plan Update

Town of Windsor, CT

The Town of Windsor is requesting qualifications to provide professional services to lead the review and update of Town of Windsor’s Plan of Conservation and Development (POCD) adopted in 2015 in compliance with CGS Section 8-23.

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: August 23, 2024 at 5 p.m.

SUBMISSION CONTACT: Todd Sealy, Town Planner, sealy@townofwindsorct.com.

RFQ INFORMATION: https://townofwindsorct.com/bid-list/.

All inquiries, questions, or requests for additional information related to this RFQ should be directed to Todd Sealy at sealy@townofwindsorct.com by the Q&A Deadline of August 9, 2024. If any questions are submitted, a summary of the responses will be posted on the Town of Windsor website by August 13, 2024.

RFQ- Day Hill Corporate Area Study

Town of Windsor, CT

Day Hill Corporate Area Study - Request for Qualifications

The Town of Windsor is requesting qualifications to provide professional services to analyze the current land use and economic climate of the market area, as well as provide recommendations to sustain this area as a regional economic development generator.

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: August 23, 2024 at 5 p.m.

SUBMISSION CONTACT: Patrick McMahon, Economic Development Director, mcmahon@townofwindsorct.com

RFQ INFORMATION: https://townofwindsorct.com/bid-list/.

All inquiries, questions, or requests for additional information related to this RFQ should be directed to Patrick McMahon, Economic Development Director, at mcmahon@townofwindsorct.com by the Q&A Deadline of August 9, 2024. If any questions are submitted, a summary of the responses will be posted on the Town of Windsor website by August 13, 2024.


Town of Ledyard Economic Development Commission

The Town of Ledyard Economic Development Commission is seeking qualified consulting firms to conduct comprehensive Corridor Study along Route 12 in Gales Ferry, CT. The purpose of this study is to analyze and assess the current conditions, identify potential improvement and investment opportunities and any challenges preventing them from occurring, and to provide actionable recommendations for the enhancement/improvement of the corridor.

Deadline for submission: August 15, 2024, 2 pm.

For full details see https://www.ledyardct.org/88/Request-for-Proposals-Bids.

RFQ: Geographic Information Solutions (GIS)

Town of Griswold

The Town of Griswold is requesting qualifications from GIS consultants to

update the Town’s 2006 GIS program.


Detailed RFQ and New System Requirements are available by calling or emailing the Griswold Town Planner, Mario J. Tristany Jr., at 860-961-145, ext. 2111. Email: townplanner@griswold-ct.org

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Monday, August 19, 2024, at 12:00 Noon EST.


Qualifications must be submitted by Mail or Private Carrier or delivered in person to the Griswold Planning & Community Development Office, 28 Main Street, Jewett City, CT 06351

Please provide six (6) Hard Copies of your qualification statement.

Electronic or email submissions are not permitted.

RFP: Real Estate Appraisers On-Call

Town of Manchester, CT

The Town of Manchester is currently updating its list of approved appraisers. The Town maintains this list of qualified appraisers to assist us in the assessment appeal process and for use on future appraisal service work. We anticipate having approved appraisers bid on each assignment on an as-needed basis. When necessary, the Town reserves the right to hire appraisers not on the approved list for select work which the Town determines requires a special expertise.

Information: https://procurement.opengov.com/portal/townofmanchester/projects/102676

Release Project Date: July 8, 2024
Question Submission Deadline: July 19, 2024, 4:00pm
RFP Opening Date and Time: July 25, 2024, 11:00am

RFP: Darien 2026 Plan of Conservation and Development

Town of Darien

The Town of Darien, CT is requesting proposals from qualified planning firms/consultants to update Darien’s Plan of Conservation & Development (POCD), pursuant to CGS 8-23. The link can be found at: https://darienct.gov/DocumentCenter/View/4113/2026-DARIEN-POCD-UPDATE-RFP-6202024?bidId=

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Monday, August 26, 2024 @ 4 PM

SUBMISSION CONTACT: Fred Doneit, AICP, GISP, Assistant Director of Planning; FDoneit@darienct.gov

RFP: Plan of Conservation and Development

Town of Brookfield

The Town of Brookfield is requesting sealed proposals from qualified consultants and planning firms to update and expand the community’s Plan of Conservation & Development (POCD), with a focus on supporting a thriving, healthy small town community over the next ten years.

BID DUE DATE: Thursday, July 11th, 2024 @ 11:00 AM

Plan of Conservation & Development Consultant | Brookfield CT

RFQ: Plan of Conservation and Development

Town of Mansfield

The Town of Mansfield is soliciting qualifications from planning consultants to update the 2015 Mansfield Tomorrow Plan of Conservation and Development (POCD) in accordance with Connecticut General Statutes (CGS) Section 8-23.

SUBMISSION DEADLINE:   July 9, 2024 4:00 pm local time

SUBMISSION CONTACT: Jennifer Kaufman, AICP Director of Planning and Development, Jennifer.Kaufman@MansfieldCT.org


Bids must be submitted through an online, secure E-Procurement Portal: https://mansfieldct.bonfirehub.com/portal/?tab=openOpportunities under the bid title “2025 Mansfield Tomorrow POCD” Bidders will be required to create a Bonfire profile before uploading their bid. Step-by-step instructions on how to register as a vendor are available at this website: https://mansfieldct.bonfirehub.com/portal/?tab=login

RFP: Regional Warehousing Land Use and Traffic Study

Capitol Region Council of Governments

The Capitol Region Council of Governments (CRCOG) of Hartford, Connecticut is seeking a qualified and experienced firm or team to assist in developing a Regional Warehousing Land Use and Traffic Study.

Questions should be directed in writing to Mr. Kyle Shiel by 3:00pm on May 31st, 2024. CRCOG will post its response to questions and clarifications by the end of the workday on June 4th, 2024, on the CRCOG website.

Final submissions are due by Friday June 14, 2024 by 2pm.

For more information, please visit: https://crcog.org/regional-warehousing-land-use-and-traffic-study-rfq/

RFP: Regional Climate Action Plan for New Haven-Milford MSA through the EPA Climate Pollution Reduction Grant (CPRG) Program

South Central Regional Council of Governments

Deadline for Questions: 12:00 PM on June 4, 2024

Response Date/Time: 12:00 PM on June 13, 2024

The South Central Regional Council of Governments (“SCRCOG”) is seeking proposals from qualified and experienced Environmental Consultants to develop a comprehensive regional climate action plan, which builds upon the Priority Climate Action Plan (PCAP) completed and submitted to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on March 1, 2024.

Full RFP

Citywide Historic Resource Survey RFP: Bid# 6534-2024 (New Addendum)

City of Erie, PA

The City of Erie is interested in contracting with an experienced historic preservation consultant who satisfies the Secretary of the Interior’s (SOI) Professional Qualification Standards https://www.nps.gov/articles/sec-standards-prof-quals.htm to work with the City, the Historic Review Commission, and the Pennsylvania State Historic Preservation Office (PASHPO) to conduct a citywide historic resource survey of the city in its entirety or as much as the funding will allow. The city has approximately 36,000 parcels with many of the properties in the city surveyed and documented through previous efforts.

Submission Deadline: May 23, 2024.


Submit an RFP/RFQ for posting on CCAPA. Submission should include deadlines, the RFP or RFP hyperlink, and a URL where any additional information may be posted.