Resource Library

- APA National KnowledgeBase Housing Needs Collection
- Connecticut Affordable Housing Development Resources tool (hosted by Partnership for Strong Communities)
- Connecticut Affordable Housing Plans- see CCAPA information page
- Inventory of Connecticut Municipal Accessory Dwelling Unit Regulations
- Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing- see CCAPA information page
- CT Demographic Multipliers- prepared by SCCOG

COVID-19 Resources for Planners
- Executive Orders affecting public hearings, decisions and regulatory appeals
- Managing Virtual Meetings and Public Participation
- Permitting Outdoor Activities, including Dining
- Sample Documents & Best Practices
- Letter from CCAPA President Rebecca Augur
- Summary of ACIR Survey Results

Adult-Use Cannabis
Town of Southbury Information and Pamphlet
SCCOG White Paper
Also see 2021 Legislative Guide.
ImgSrc: UnSplash, Kimzy Nanney

Historic Preservation
Connecticut State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO)
Preservation Connecticut Funding Opportunities

Equity, Diversity & Inclusion
APA National Resources: Planning for Equity Policy Guide, AICP Code of Ethics, Public Engagement Guide
APA Colorado's Anti-Racism Resources
Los Angeles County Planning Department- Spanish Planning Glossary
Connecticut Organizations

Short-Term Rentals
- SCCOG- White Paper

Temporary Health Care Structures

Inclusionary Zoning
- Authorized by statute 8-2i
- The following towns have adopted some form of mandatory inclusionary zoning: Hamden (652.3), Stamford, Darien, Colchester, Fairfield, Norwalk, Westport, New Canaan

Cultural Districts
Public Act 19-43 authorized the creation of municipal cultural districts

Environment and Climate Change Resiliency
Adapt CT Climate Resilience Training Modules
UConn CIRCA fact sheets on Rising Temperatures & Precipitation and Sea Level Rise

Municipal Commissions Procedures and Training
CLEAR Land Use Academy training modules